Mar 25, 2012

Posted by in Robert Pattinson | 47 Comments

Robert Pattinson on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 3

Robert Pattinson on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 3

Robert Pattinson on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 3

Jimmy Kimmel Live – The third part of Jimmy’s interview with Robert Pattinson

Yanir Dekel sits down with Robert Pattinson to talk about ‘Water for Elephants’ AND teaches him to say Happy Holidays in Hebrew. Follow @YanirDekel on twitter

  1. ffishfinger says:

    omg his mum is still in the audience….

  2. natia zaporozhetsi says:

    thrusting not probing? ??? can someone explain me what did he mean? with another words? or what’s the tip?

  3. claudiapmo86 says:

    Adorei esta entrevista

  4. luvomusicr13 says:

    Archer: JUST THE TIP! haha oh Rob…

  5. thaly1110 says:

    “He meant in gratuity” Hahaha OMG Jimmy that´s what I thought too. He received his “price” Im so jealous of Kristen!!!

  6. 2:06 he’s like oh shit my parents are here!

  7. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. hahahah I love when he says ‘its hust the tip or w/e” then his facial expression was hilarious

  9. SolidSnakeEV says:

    KONY 2012

  10. levonniebebe says:

    His facial expression at 2:04. >.<

  11. TeamBreakingDawn says:

    When I was watching the movie, someone actually did go unconscious… doing the birth scene.

  12. evilxcookie2 says:


    He’s so hilariously charmingly carelessly sweetly sexily perfect ^___^

  13. iloveyoudearly97 says:

    I love his laugh, his smile, his humor, his hair, his eyes, and his personality. Oh, and his girlfriend.

  14. rickschick7 says:

    Ha, this is a cute interview

  15. cutestdesi says:

    just the tip.

  16. Vindya911 says:


  17. ChelseaBobcat says:

    his laugh is great hahahaha love it 🙂

  18. MsSpiritchild says:

    @Romawitch for sure. to each their own. i dont dislike him, i just think that hes finally becoming a real actor now that hes done with all the twilight teen glittery crap movies, he should start acting a little more professional. theres things you just dont say on TV with your mother there. its very childish, and he should act more like an adult. didnt mean to offend you though. sorry.

  19. Romawitch says:

    @MsSpiritchild I just adore it, I just ♥ sorry but, he makes me laugh big time

  20. latoyadanielleclark says:

    He’s great too.xo

  21. MsSpiritchild says:

    hes super unprofessional..

  22. mahanusair says:

    His eyes in 2:05 , SO FUNNY :D:D

  23. MisfitoftheWorld10 says:

    what …….

  24. PadfootPatronus says:

    @ashleyw731 I only meant there could have been a better anecdote to share about that scene. That Kimmel was going to ask about it was inevitable, we all know that. But there’s a moment, a look on Pattinson’s face when he knows he might have said too much. This is not the first time an actor’s talked about filming a sex scene on tv. But its always done with respect to the story and the characters. But this is Twilight, what am I thinking? Bit of fun. That’s the way I look at it.

  25. ashleyw731 says:

    @PadfootPatronus What are you talking about? You mean when he was talking about the sex scene with Kristen? Cause, you know its a scene in the movie right..I’m pretty sure he would not be sharing anything about his real sex life lol

  26. mayamash says:

    אההההההההההההההההההההה הוא כזה חמוווווווווווד ;;

  27. TheJ4nzku says:

    When was this? Cuz he’s fairly bald now so this is last year I suppose?

  28. youaresoreal says:

    אני מדמיינת את עצמי מביאה את רוב אליי הבייתה לערב פסח כשאני שומעת אותו מדבר עברית…אמא לה…….

  29. MayaBieber1219 says:

    אמלהההההה איזה נסיייייייייכי הוא !!!!
    הרג אותי שהוא אומר חג שמחחחח <3<3<3<3

  30. @ftlptba oh yeah! I remember him.. good guy, good guy

  31. @Adennos the guy who plays in hangover,limitless and many others

  32. @ftlptba who’s bradley cooper?

  33. RosarioSky says:

    hola! “adennosª.gracias por los videos y sub en español de las entrvistas de robsten. si puedes xf de sub, la convencion de amanecer. gracias! se te quiere:)

  34. nonypink3 says:

    where was this interview?

  35. @Adennos no he doesnt bradley cooper speaks and understand french this guy can understand until comment ca va ? ca va bien,comment tu ta pelle and stuff like that

  36. @ftlptba Wrong, he also understands and speaks french.

  37. @miadelacruz spanish lol! he doesnt know anything just english

  38. maaahtwi4ever says:

    He got it in the first try!

  39. TheHansonOTHfan says:

    What?!! He knows Afrikaans!! I’d like to hear that XD

  40. malerin019 says:

    how cute he tries to say it :3

  41. TheDeseo69 says:

    What languages he say speak?? I DON’T UNDERSTAND I DON’T SPEAKING INGLISH

  42. An they said he didn’t know other languages, Ha! The boy is way smarter than you think.

  43. TheInbar101 says:

    כפרעעע עלייוו <3 <3 <3 <3

  44. TOHAR203 says:

    איייייייייייייייייייזה נסיייךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךךך !
    מתתי ביי ♥ ♥ ♥

  45. חג שמח רוב, למרות שזה לא פסח 🙂

  46. fanni0214 says:

    @miadelacruz couldn’t agree more [:

  47. miadelacruz says:

    yeah ive been suspecting that he knows a lot of languages esp that he had travelled and read’ a lot..for sure he knows spanish too since he stayed and filmed a movie there…our boy has lots of things under his sleeves..hes so talented

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